I had something of a medical scarce recently. Ironic, since this site kind of revolves around the idea of negativity and hypochondriasis. No, if you must know, it was not a brain tumor. But it could've been. What I had was called Guillain-Barré Syndrome. It's nasty stuff! Anyway, I don't want to give too much away, but I'm working on something based on my experiences. Not sure what it's going to be yet. Maybe a book, maybe a website. Don't know. But I've been drawing up a storm and thought I'd like to share a bit.
The drawings are in a style that's taken from the work I did on my sister's potty training book.
I like this style and I really enjoy working in it. It's fast and fun and I think it looks cool.
These are made in Procreate on the iPad. Procreate is a fantastic drawing tool!
This Is How They Test Your Nerves
As an aside, since my medical mishaps I've had some nerve damage (I'm hoping it's temporary) and it's become really hard to draw with ink and brush. This bums me out to no end, but at least I can use the iPad to make the things I love to make. Technology to the rescue!