Bigger Bear

I just made a new comic I call "Bigger Bear." Not really sure what it's about, just that it sort of got stuck in my head and I just had to draw it out. And then it ended up turning into a finished thing. It all started with these meandering, diaristic sketches.

After doing a couple of these I did some sketches with a similar kind of page flow. I really just wanted to draw myself in a coat and hat, but I also had this idea about bears in the back of my head.

I liked the sketches a lot, and I got a really good response on Facebook, so I decided to make it a finished comic. A lot of sketching and page layout drawing then happened, but before too long I had completed the piece.

Finally, I decided to color it. This was done on the iPad as I still suck pretty hard at water colors.

So there you have it, "Bigger Bear" in full color.