Shocked to Shit

I really like my Apple aluminum keyboard. I really do. It's compact and attractive, and hairs don't get all caught in it, or if they do you can't see them. The keyboard is springy and resistive; it's got a really nice feel to it. Unless, of course, you've just walked up to it across a carpeted room. Then it's, all like, "Bzzzt!" and my hair's all standing on end.

Aluminum keyboard owners all know exactly what I'm talking about.

Apple Aluminum Keyboard: Shocking!

I'm assuming the thing's grounded as it hasn't toasted anything yet, and so it isn't bad for my computer. But man is it hard on my nerves. Every time — and I mean every time — I touch the damn thing I get, like, twelve-thousand volts coursing through my poor frazzled little index finger. It's getting a little annoying.

Who knows? Maybe they don't get static charges in Cupertino like we do in New York, but you'd think the brainiacs at Apple might've built something in to their fabulous keyboard to prevent this sort of thing from happening.

As it is, I may have to start wearing gloves.

Extending an Airport Network

UPDATE: It looks like there's actually a better way to extend an Airport network than the one I've outlined in this article. A few people have written in to tell me that they've had great success using the configuration "wizard" available in the Airport Express Utility. I haven't tried using this myself, but it does look exceedingly easy. So, definitely the thing to try first before you go into the twelve page set of instructions below.

Thanks to all who sent this in. I'll leave the detailed instructions below for anyone who's interested.

Man, I wish I'd known about this sooner.

Airport Utility Wizard: Quite Possibly A Better Way

A while back I got a second Airport Express in the hopes of using it to extend my existing wireless network. Doing so was fairly tricky and not anything like I'd expected.

I had initially believed — perhaps naively — that the process would essentially be a matter of joining the new Airport to the existing network the same way you'd add a new computer. This is decidedly not the case. It turns out that, in order to extend an wireless network across multiple Airports, you must set up what is known as a WDS network. Let's take a look at the process, which for me anyway, was fraught with difficulties that this article will hopefully help me (and you) avoid in the future.

Set Up the "Main"

The "Main" WDS Airport is the unit that will host the wireless network. It's the one that's connected to your cable modem, or your router, with an Ethernet cable. You'll connect the "Remote" Airports to the Main wirelessly, allowing them to extend the network. It's important to remember, as you continue with this process, that each new wireless node must be added to the main node in order for it to be seen by the WDS network. Ready? Here we go!

Wired Connection

  1. The easiest (and Apple-recommended) way to do all this is with a direct, wired connection, so grab yourself an Ethernet cable and connect your computer to the Airport that you want to be the Main unit. This is not absolutely necessary, but it will help to mitigate any problems you might have as you go making changes, since you won't be dependent on a wireless connection. You can skip this if it's easier.

Base Station Settings

  1. Once connected, open Airport Utility. You should see the Main at the very least.

    Extend Airport: Main Window

  2. Double-click the unit to open its configuration window. Begin in the Base Station tab by setting the name and password of the unit.
  3. The name will be the name of the base station itself, and the password is the one used to log in to and change the unit's settings. I recommend naming it something like "Airport-BS-Main" for easy identification. As always, make the password memorable and secure.

Extend Airport: Main Base Station Settings

Wireless Settings

  1. Under the Wireless tab, set the Wireless Mode to "Participate in a WDS Network." This is the key, really, to the whole shebang.
  2. It's also important to check the "Allow this network to be extended" checkbox.
  3. Here you'll also want to give the network a name. This is the name you'll use when joining the wireless network from your computer, so choose wisely and for the ages. I like clear nomenclature, so I went with "SystemsBoy-Wireless." Clever, huh?
  4. Set your encryption method. The Airport recommends WPA/WPA2 Personal, which I like too. Secure and compatible.
  5. Choose a channel, or use the default. It's all good unless you're in a super-crowded area, in which case trial and error is your friend.
  6. Finally, be sure to set your wireless network's password. This is the one used for joining the network from your computer. Two names, two passwords. I know it's confusing. But you're smart. You'll figure it out.

Extend Airport: Main Wireless Settings

WDS Settings

  1. Under the WDS Settings tab the Main WDS Airport's WDS Mode should be set to "WDS main."
  2. "Allow wireless clients" should be checked.
  3. You'll add your WDS Remotes later, once we've plugged in the other Airport in the next section.

Extend Airport: Main WDS Settings

Update and Test

  1. Once all this is set up, hit the "Update" button.
  2. The Airport will go and make the settings you just configured, which will require it to reboot.
  3. After the reboot, remove the Ethernet cable connect between the Airport and your computer, and (re)connect the Airport to the network/router.
  4. If all went well, you should see the classic green light on flashing on the Airport unit. You should also be able to connect to the Airport network wirelessly. If you don't or can't, reboot the unit again for good measure. Make sure you give it enough time before trying to connect to it. Five minutes should be more than enough.
  5. If, after all this, you still don't see the green light, you'll need to troubleshoot your connection in Airport Utility, which is beyond the scope of this article. But it's important to get the Main unit working as a wireless base station before proceeding. Everything depends on it. So get it working using the above settings.

Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Occasionally, after a reboot, the Airport will not be visible in Airport Utility. Simply restarting Airport Utility will sometimes fix this, so be sure to try it if you can't get connected.
  2. For whatever reason, this process took a few tries for me. So remember, a direct, wired Ethernet connection will aid in troubleshooting. This is recommended by Apple, and I concur.
  3. Don't forget, if need be, you can completely reset the Airport back to factory defaults and start from scratch using the super-secret reset button on the top of the device.

Set Up the "Remote(s)"

The Airport(s) you use to extend your wireless network are referred to, in WDS parlance, as "Remotes." With WDS Remotes you'll be able to join your wireless network — the same one you set up on the Main, with the same network name and password — from well beyond the reach of the Main. Remotes should, obviously, be placed within signal reach of the main, but far enough away to actually extend the reach of the network.

Wired Connection

  1. As before, this will all be a lot easier if you connect to the WDS Remote Base Station using an Ethernet cable. Be sure you're Remote has power, then connect with Airport Utility.

Base Station Settings

  1. With Airport Utility opened, you should still see Main, as well as the newly added, unconfigured Remote.
  2. Double-click the Remote unit to open its configuration window. Begin in the Base Station tab by setting the name and password of the unit.
  3. As before, the name will be the name of the base station itself, and the password is the one used to log in to and change the unit's settings. I called this one "Airport-BS-Remote" for easy identification.

Airport Utility: Airport Remote

Wireless Settings

  1. Under the Wireless tab, as before, set the Wireless Mode to "Participate in a WDS Network."
  2. Here too, check the "Allow this network to be extended" checkbox.
  3. For the Network Name you should enter the same name you entered for your Main — in my case, "SystemsBoy-Wireless." Remember: different Base Station; same wireless network.
  4. Your encryption method for the Remote should also match that of the Main.
  5. The channel can be whatever you want it to be.
  6. And, finally, the wireless network's password should match that of the Main Base Station.

Extend Airport: Remote Wireless Settings

WDS Settings

  1. Under the WDS Settings tab the Remote WDS Airport's WDS Mode should, not surprisingly, be set to "WDS remote."
  2. "Allow wireless clients" should be checked.
  3. And in the last box, labeled "WDS Main," you should the MAC (hardware) address of your WDS Main Airport. This can be found under the Summary tab of the configuration window. Each Base Station has two MAC addresses, actually: an "AirPort ID" and an "Ethernet ID." You want the Airport ID.

Extend Airport: Remote WDS Settings

Add the Remote to the Main

  1. Now here's where it gets a bit tricky. Both the Remote and the Main need to be aware of each other. So, now that your Main is configured, you should be able to see it in Airport Utility and open its configuration window. Open it so that both the Main and Remote configuration windows are open.
  2. Go to the Remote's summary window and copy its Airport ID to the clipboard.

    Extend Airport: Remote Airport ID

  3. Now go to the Main's WDS tab and hit the little plus sign to add a remote and paste the Airport ID number into the field.

    Extend Airport: Adding Remotes to Main


  1. With both Airports' roles now configured, and with each aware of the other, you should be good to go. Hit the "Update" button on the Main, wait a minute, and then hit on the Remote (so that the Main reboots first)
  2. Wait for them to reboot.
  3. Once rebooted the Remote should have a green light under the Status field of its Summary tab and should have no errors. If it complains about something, make sure the Main is working well over wireless, then give the Remote another reboot. If this still doesn't work, move on to troubleshooting.
  4. Once everything seems to be functioning without error, place the Remote Base Station in its intended physical location.
  5. Pat yourself on the back! You've just extended your Airport wireless network!

Make no mistake, extending your Airport network is a big, fat, sloppy pain in the booty. It's also extraordinarily handy in many cases where a single Airport just isn't cutting it.

Macworld Expo '09

On the whole I thought this year's Expo was about average. There was a smattering of fairly interesting product announcements, but nothing earth-shattering. This has become pretty par for the course at Macworld for a while now. Still, there were a few things worth commenting on. I think the new 17" Macbook Pro battery is astoundingly cool. It makes me want one, though I'm holding out 'til I need one. The 17" Macbook Pro may someday become my über-computer though, replacing once and for all the tower machine I've always kept. And, frankly, the fact that the battery is not replaceable is, in my opinion, completely mitigated by the fact that it's so awesome: 1000 recharges? 8 hours of life? Why would you ever want to replace it? Apple has substituted a crappy battery that you'll want to replace with a good one you won't. And it's the non-replaceability that's made the high battery quality possible. Brilliant! And the right way to go, as far as I'm concerned.

The 17" MacBook Pro: Nice!

iLife '09 also looks like a worthwhile, if not terribly compelling, upgrade. In particular, I'm wondering if iMovie '09 will be good enough to replace the aging Final Cut Pro in my workflow. Final Cut Pro — once my absolute favorite piece of software — has grown somewhat long in the tooth. It's slow, ugly and a bad multi-tasker whose interface hasn't been significantly updated in, well, forever. iMovie, on the other hand, is just the opposite: constantly being updated, which can have its downsides as well, I realize. But unless Apple makes some serious updates to Final Cut Pro, I'll be looking for a simple, speedy replacement. I did this with Pro Tools a couple years ago; I got so sick of installing and maintaining Pro Tools on my system with diminishing returns that when GarageBand became capable enough I switched entirely. I now use GarageBand for all my songwriting and music recording. It works great and it works seamlessly with my $450, 24 bit Pro Tools hardware. Better than Pro Tools itself, in fact. And since that switch I've bought the unbelievably affordable iLife with every new release. So I'll be there with bells on, this year with an eye towards iMovie.

But perhaps the most interesting — or at least the oddest — part of this year's expo, for me anyway, was trying to follow MacRumors' live coverage of the keynote. About halfway through the event strange messages began appearing in their feed:

MacRumors: Hacked!

Eventually their site went down altogether. Obviously, MacRumors' feed got totally hacked. I've never actually witnessed anything like that before, believe it or not. It was a bit surreal. A bit jarring. And certainly odd. Too bad, too, 'cause I'm actually quite fond of their coverage. Fortunately, less hackable — though not auto-updating — feeds could be had at Ars Technica, TUAW and Engadget, so I finshed out the last half hour with obsessive command-r's and tab-switching. Fun stuff!

So, another — and the last — Macworld Expo keynote has come and gone, with, from my chair, something squarely in between a bang and a whimper. But then, that was pretty much what I expected.

UPDATE: I almost forgot: For online music purchases I've been using Amazon, but Apple's new DRM-free policy, announced at yesterday's keynote, might put iTunes back in the game for me. Either way, this is a good thing that will allow customers greater freedom of choice when buying music online.

The Best Part

Dave Caolo over at TUAW writes:

"For me, the best part of buying my original iPhone was the activation process."

And you know what? I totally frickin' — yes, I said frickin' — agree. One of the most ingenious achievements of the iPhone was pain-free activation. Apple removed that feature in a trade-off that enabled them to lower the base price of the iPhone 3G, and frankly it's the one thing that's prevented — yes, I said prevented — me from buying an iPhone for my girlfriend.

AT&T: Online iPhone Purchase

Well, it now appears that at least some semblance of easy activation is again being offered, though this time it's by AT&T and it happens online. Not as cool as the original deal, but at least I won't have to get up off my ass, get down to an Apple Store, and possibly stand in line in the hopes that they have what I want in stock. Nope, this can all be done from the comfortable comfort of my comfiest chair.

I'll take it!


The other crap thing about the new 3G iPhones? The price — yes, I said the price. Sure, the phones are cheaper, but in the end the monthly is $20 bucks more, and my lady's on a budget. So I ended up getting her the Google Phone. So far, I think she likes it, though she's actually having to look at the manual: and I quote, "Totally useless." Hmmm...

There are some things I really like about the gPhone, though. The Google integration is pretty cool, for one — all your Gmail, Google Contacts and the like are instantly synced. Nice! It looks like it will make an excellent alternative to the iPhone.

Division of Labor

One of the great things about my new job is that labor is divided among a much larger crew than I'm accustomed to. This means I get to do more of the sort work I like and less of the sort I don't.

In my old job, there were basically two and-a-half SysAdmins running the whole show. And since I was the front man, most requests got funneled through me. So I was pretty much dealing with everything.

In my new job, on the other hand, I am one member of a much larger team that deals with a whole wide range of technologies — from SANs to fibre connections to video playback devices. In some respects my job description is fairly generalized. All the SysAdmins on the team essentially share the same set of responsibilities, but as usually happens, each of us has our unique talents and proclivities, and since our team is comprised of a bunch of people, we each have a chance to specialize to some extent as well. We each get to focus more on stuff we're good at — which is to say, stuff we like — and worry less about stuff we don't like.

Case in point: last week we got a new printer. Not only did I have nothing to do with spec-ing, purchasing or installing the printer, I wasn't even aware of the fact that we'd gotten one until the part of the crew that installs printers had installed the damn thing.

Printer Prefs

People in my old job all knew how much I hate printers. I truly despise them. I despise the hardware — it's large, cumbersome, ugly and resource intensive. I despise the software — the drivers are always a pain to find and install (especially Epson's) and the bundled software is ugly and unintuitive. I even despise the act of printing itself, which is often problematic, wasteful and eco-unfriendly, particularly when dealing with inkjet technology. Prints themselves I find generally useless as they're not searchable. And, of course, troubleshooting printer problems is a nightmare that's usually best dealt with by simply getting a new printer.

In the past it was my job to deal with every aspect of any printer purchase and installation. Needless to say, It was one of my least favorite duties. So to never have to deal with any aspect of the printer pipeline is a dream come true. When I saw the guys setting up a printer I almost laughed out loud when I realized that I'd had nothing to do with it.

Well, I did have to add the printer to the lab systems. But that's the best part. And that was it.

Back to building servers. Fantastic.