Night of the Living Betas

So recently I found myself in the Land of the Beta Software. It all started with my post comparing Transmit and Yummy FTP two excellent FTP utilities from two excellent, small Mac developers, Panic and Yummy Software, respectively.

The day after I posted the review, I got a note in the comments section from Cabel Sasser of Panic software. He said, exactly this:

We at Panic are definitely pro-consumer-choice, so we're very glad that you found an FTP app you like -- even if it isn't ours. :)

On the other hand, we're anti-bugs! So, since we're putting the finishing touches on a new update to Transmit, we'd love to know if the new version fixes your issues with symbolic links, because we largely suspect it will. Please drop me an email [cabel at panic dot com] -- if you're at all interested -- and I'll send you the latest build. I'd love to see if it's an improvement, regardless of if you wind up returning to our ever-welcome, loving arms. :) Thanks in advance!

-Cabel / Panic

I thought it was pretty cool of Cabel to step up like this, and I had happily used Transmit for a long time once, so I really wanted to help out. I offered my assistance and we had a friendly correspondence. It was nice and I felt flattered to even have my opinion matter to someone, 'cause hey, let's face it, low self-esteem runs in my family.

Next day I got and email from Jason, of — surprise, surprise — Yummy Software.

Thanks for the plug :)

Following up on Cabel's post, I'm also working on a new version, with lots of very nice new things. I can't promise to give you a hug, but I can assure you that the update will be free to registered customers and it will provide the trouble-free FTPing you're accustomed to. You're more than welcome to give the beta a try :)

Yummy Software

Wow. I'm stunned. A similar correspondence followed this comment. Very friendly on both counts. Both companies gave me beta copies of the latest builds of their software. It was cool.

I don't mind admitting I'm a big sweaty fan of the large majority of the Mac development community. But especially small companies that make great products that I use or have used. And I'm deeply flattered to have registered on these guys' radar at all, let alone to have been given an opportunity to sneak a peek at their latest wares. This recent contact has affirmed my sweaty fandom even more. The thing I like about these companies is that, despite the fact that they have the talent to make amazing software, they're small enough to care about a tiny blog like this one, and they're actually nice people who really want to do good work. And I, for one, truly admire and appreciate that work.

Thanks, guys. Keep it up.