Allow Me to (Re)Introduce Myself

My name is Systems Boy. Hi there.

We have a new look today. It's based on a WordPress theme called Blue by Sean McPherson of Brambling Design. I've taken some liberties with Blue, enlarging some of the fonts, changing some colors and widening the post area. But the basic look remains the same: clean, simple, but still kinda fun. I really like it.

I've foregone the traditional Systems Boy logo this time out. I love it, but it can be a pain to deal with and many themes don't easily allow for banner images. Plus, I like the idea of preserving the simplicity of the Blue theme and sticking to designing mainly with text.


As so often seems to happen (by which I mean twice), today's new look coincides loosely with the anniversary of the blog, which is May 29th. This year TASB turns four. Wow. Four years. I never thought I'd be doing this for so long. And still liking it no less.

Today's makeover was also at least partly inspired by fellow systems blogger Jay Young, with whom I share very similar tastes in themes. Seems every time I go to use one he's already grabbed it, forcing me to go my own way.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who stops by. Your visits are always appreciated.

Enjoy the new look.